
MASH/MASLD incidence rates are continuing to rise globally year after year as the disease continues to be a global health concern.  With one pharmaceutical drug now having received regulatory approval, there are also a number of therapeutics in late phase clinical trials; case studies of which will be discussed at the congress as well as pre-clinical developments. Potential alternatives for MASH diagnosis in the form of non-invasive biomarkers will be explored to replace the invasive liver biopsy. Advances in the research of MASH disease mechanisms such as genetic predisposition, gut microbiome and mitochondrial dysfunction will be covered as the disease pathology continues to be complex and not fully understood.

New In 2024:

  • Clinical and pre-clinical case studies from top companies working on MASH/MASLD therapeutics (Madrigal Pharmaceuticals, AstraZeneca, Inventiva, etc.)
  • Updates on a range of MASH disease mechanisms to further understand the pathogenesis of the disease
  • Non-invasive diagnosis and assessment of MASH in real-world clinical practice
  • The latest regulatory updates of how to achieve MASH drug approval

Join our MASLD Group

7 Hours of networking time

30+ presentations from industry and academic leaders

Poster Presentations and Flash Talk Sessions

Why Attend


Explore how a high fat diet leads to pathological interactions between microbes generate toxic metabolites that potentially divert TGF-β signaling, triggering HCC


Understand how knowledge of epigenetic and epitranscriptomics modifiers can help individual risk stratification and provide the basis for prevention and treatment strategies


Understand how the use of neoepitope markers of the extracellular matrix could improve patient endotyping & help evaluate therapeutical effects in MASLD


Michael Charlton

Michael Charlton

Professor of Medicine, Chief of Hepatology and Medical Director, Transplantation Institute, University of Chicago Medicine

William Alazawi

William Alazawi

Professor of Hepatology, Director of Research, Blizard Institute, Queen Mary University of London

Lopa Mishra

Lopa Mishra

Merinoff Endowed Chair and Professor of Medicine, The Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research (Northwell Health) and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Diana Julie Leeming

Diana Julie Leeming

Director of Fibrosis, Hepatic and Pulmonary Research (HPR), Nordic Bioscience

Richard Torstenson

Richard Torstenson

Director Global Regulatory Affairs, AstraZeneca

Nikolai Naoumov

Nikolai Naoumov

Professor of Hepatology, Royal College of Physicians, London

Michael Pavlides

Michael Pavlides

Consultant Hepatologist, Head of Liver Imaging, Principal Investigator, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Oxford Centre for Clinical Magnetic Resonance Research (OCMR), Radcliffe Department of Medicine, University of Oxford, UK

Alexandra Gatzios

Alexandra Gatzios

Doctoral student, In Vitro Liver Disease Modelling team, Department of In Vitro Toxicology and Dermato-cosmetology (IVTD), Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Ying Shang

Ying Shang

Assistant Professor, Karolinska Institutet

Maite G Fernandez de Barrena

Maite G Fernandez de Barrena

Ramon y Cajal Researcher, Hepatology Laboratory, Centre for Applied Medical Research (CIMA)

Krista Rombouts

Krista Rombouts

Professor of Experimental Liver and Digestive Sciences, Interim Head of Department, Institute for Liver and Digestive Health, University College London

Jude A Oben

Jude A Oben

Consultant Gastroenterologist & Hepatologist, Associate Professor in Experimental Hepatology, Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital, King's College London

Ferenc Mozes

Ferenc Mozes

Postdoctoral Research Assistant, University of Oxford

Annelie Falkevall

Annelie Falkevall

Senior Scientist, Karolinska Institutet

Juergen Eckel

Juergen Eckel

CEO, CureDiab Metabolic Research GmbH

Michael P. Cooreman

Michael P. Cooreman

Chief Medical Officer, Inventiva

Rui Castro

Rui Castro

Associate Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon

Samuel Daniels

Samuel Daniels

Director, Early Clinical Research, AstraZeneca

Juan Basterra

Juan Basterra

CEO, Mikrobiomik

Alastair Burt

Alastair Burt

Professor of Precision & Molecular Pathology, Co-Lead, Newcastle NIHR Biomedical Research Centre (Informatics and Precision Care), Newcastle University

Gaye Saginc

Gaye Saginc

Preclinical Programme Lead, e-therapeutics

Maureen Guichelaar

Maureen Guichelaar

Consultant in Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Medisch Spectrum Twente

Baijun Kou

Baijun Kou

Senior Principal Scientist, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals

Lars Verschuren

Lars Verschuren

Senior Scientist, Applied Systems Biology, TNO

Sheela Upadhyaya

Sheela Upadhyaya

Life Sciences Industry Consultant

Susanne Michel

Susanne Michel

Head of HTA evidence, Ascenian, Former Policy Lead at Department of Health England and Department of Health in Berlin

Vanessa Hebditch

Vanessa Hebditch

Director of Policy and Communications, British Liver Trust

Michele Vacca

Michele Vacca

Michele Vacca, Associate Professor in Internal Medicine, Principal Investigator, University of Bari, Roger Williams Institute of Hepatology

Scott Harris

Scott Harris

Chief Medical Officer, Altimmune, USA

Julio Burman

Julio Burman

Vice President, European Liver Patients’ Association

Joe Gogain

Joe Gogain

Director, Clinical R&D, SomaLogic

Rajarshi Banerjee

Rajarshi Banerjee

CEO & Founder, Perspectum

Dimitar Tonev

Dimitar Tonev

Independent Consultant

Peter Rydqvist

Peter Rydqvist

Senior Medical Director- Europe, Madrigal Pharmaceuticals

Paul Hockings

Paul Hockings

Senior Imaging Director, Antaros Medical

Agenda Overview

Date Track 1 Track 2
Day 1- 24th June
Novel Biomarkers and Diagnostics
Clinical Development and Clinical Trial Data
Day 2- 25th June
Recent updates in MASH pathogenesis
Clinical Development and Clinical Trial Data

Our Sponsors


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Global Engage is committed to hosting sustainable meetings.

Event App

We have reduced waste by replacing printed documentation with an app. Make sure you have it downloaded to your devices in time for the meeting.


You will have some great food choices while you are with us but now, we have worked with the caterer to increase the proportion of plant-based items. We have also built a plan with the venue to avoid waste through how they serve meals and how leftovers are processed.


An international meeting does involve travel but where it is practical, please consider more sustainable alternatives to flying. The app will also have a discussion space to arrange ride shares.

Poster Presentations and Flash Talks

Whether looking for funding, job opportunities or simply wanting to share your work with a like-minded and focused group, poster presentations are an excellent way to join the heart of the congress.

Your presentation will be displayed in a dedicated area, with other posters from industry and academia.

New for 2024- We have reserved 2 x 50-minute sessions for non-vendor authors to present a flash oral presentation of their poster in order to showcase their work.


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    Multibuy Discounts Available
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  • Pharma/Biotech

    You Pay:
    Multibuy Discounts Available
    Buy 3 places pay: £532.67
    Buy 5 places pay: £479.40

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