Wacker Microbiome Forum Sponsor

WACKER -Site Visit Tuesday 29th April

Get an exclusive site tour of WACKER production facilities with the process development department.
• 13:30 Bus Departs 13th Microbiome, Probiotics & Prebiotics R&D and Business Collaboration Forum to Wacker Biotech, Amsterdam.  (Travel time 60 minutes)
• 15:15 Keynote speech
• Site tour
• 18:30 Return Bus to The Hague via Schiphol or attend an Evening event

Live Microbial Products Workshops Wednesday 30th April

08.30 Attend workshops designed to address key challenges and innovations in live biotherapeutics.

  • Innovative Analytical Methods: Enhancing In-Process Analytics and Suitable Safety Release Tests. Discover the latest advancements in analytical methods and explore the challenges and solutions for implementing suitable in-process analytics and appropriate release tests in monoseptic environments.
  • Scaling Up Multi-Strain Microbial Drug Products: Co-Cultivation Strategies and Alternative Strategies. Learn about cutting-edge strategies for making co-cultivation a viable option at production scale and discuss the benefits and challenges of multi-strain microbial drug products.
  • From Discovery to Commercialization: Building a Scalable and Controlled GMP Manufacturing Process. Gain insights into the essential steps for developing a scalable, well-characterized, and controlled GMP manufacturing process, from initial discovery through to commercialization focusing on the right approach in terms of process validation given the complex regulatory landscape around live bacterial therapeutics products.
  • 12:15 Lunch

Don’t miss this opportunity to network with industry experts, share insights, and explore the latest advancements in biotherapeutic products.

Registration is subject to final approval from Wacker. 


Wacker HQ

The site’s history began in 1989 with the founding of EuroCetus B.V. by the US Cetus Corporation, targeting commercial production of the cancer drug ProLeukin II in Europe. Shortly after approval for the active was obtained in 1992, the company was taken over by Chiron Corporation and renamed Chiron B.V. After Novartis acquired Chiron Corporation in 2000, SynCo Bio Partners B.V. was spun off as an independent full-service contract manufacturer. WACKER then took over 18 years later.

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